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 d-CON 00027 Ultra Set Covered Mouse Trap

d-CON 00027 Ultra Set Covered Mouse Trap

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Thursday, January 26, 2012

Get Rid of Mice Before They Get Rid of You!

Get Rid of Mice Before They Get Rid of You!

So you have some uninvited guests taking up home in your home, huh? I don't mean your in-laws either - this record won't help you with that problem... I'm talking about those furry little mice that are beyond doubt kind of cute, when they're on Tv in cartoon format - Tom and Jerry anyone? You're not reading this to hear me rove on about cartoons though - you want to know how to get rid of mice fast.

Get Rid of Mice Before They Get Rid of You!

Get Rid of Mice Before They Get Rid of You!

Get Rid of Mice Before They Get Rid of You!

Get Rid of Mice Before They Get Rid of You!

Get Rid of Mice Before They Get Rid of You!

If you're asking, "Why me?" you're not alone... Thousands of homes each year get invaded by these little rodent, but do not despair. They're not there because you have a dirty home, they're just looking for a place to live for a while. Mice tend to migrate indoors while the fall months as the temperatures get cooler. They have a natural tendency to move in closer to a source of food... Yes that bag of dog food in the garage, or that box of cereal in the pantry, or that peanut butter sandwich you dropped behind the couch.

Ok - so how did they get here in the first place? Mice are incredibly agile creatures. The tasteless house mouse is capable of squeezing straight through a hole the size of your pinkie. Take a look at that finger and think about it - in your entire large house do you have any holes that big important to the surface world? Maybe a pipe, or a cable that isn't sealed properly. Maybe ground floor window that is stating to crack open. Seal those holes up... Now! You might get rid of your mouse problem, but it won't do you a bit of good because they're like the "Ah-nold" - they'll be back!

So what do you do about it... Habitancy are always construction great mouse traps, but what's the best?

A lot of Habitancy tend to go with the old fashioned spring loaded bar trap... Ya know the one you always see on Tv. They work sometimes, but you may find yourself up against one smart mouse and that bait will be missing and the trap won't be snapped.

You may also be inspecting the poison option, but let me suggest you against this one. If the mouse eats that lethal dose, who knows where it will end up. As luck will have it, it'll probably bite the dust inside one of your walls and stink up your house for weeks or months.

Your best bet, though it may be carefully inhumane by some, is the glue trap. Basically it's a piece of cardboard or plastic with an very sticky surface. You place bait on it, and once the mouse walks on it, it'll get stuck. These work quite well, but sometimes the mice will die a continued death because of exposure. Try to check these traps daily or you may find yourself a dead mouse who died a long painful death. If you're lucky (depending how you look at it), you may even find it alive.

There are also varied live catch traps that are carefully more humane but only if you check the traps regularly. If a mouse lands itself in a live catch trap, it may still die of exposure or ultimate stress. These traps can be found at your local WalMart or hardware store. There are varied trap designs out there, such as wire cage traps or the box and door traps. You'll have to see what's available.

One last thing... If you go the way of a live catch trap, make sure to issue the mouse miles away from your home. Mice have an very keen sense of smell that will act as a biological homing device..... That will land them right back at your front door, or in your kitchen (you did seal up those holes, didn't you?).

Get Rid of Mice Before They Get Rid of You!

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least operate Them

10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least operate Them

Killing bed bugs yourself can be a daunting task. They can hide under base boards, the back of dresser drawers, behind light switches... just about anywhere. The adult bed bug is about the size of an apple seed and flat, until they feed that is. While bed bugs are not a heath danger (do not carry or forward diseases), they are enough to keep you awake at night just reasoning about them. A singular bed bug bite can unmistakably be mistaken for a mosquito bite and written off as such giving them time to multiply. Once you find one you can be assured that there are hundreds if not thousands more.

10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least operate Them

10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least operate Them

10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least operate Them

10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least operate Them

10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least operate Them

In the long run, a full blown infestation might wish a expert exterminator. After all, how many is to many? Before you decree to take action, there are a join of things to keep in mind. Bed bugs can live a year without feeding on a hosts blood (usually you). An adult female can lay 200 - 500 eggs in her lifetime. It generally takes an egg 50 days to mature. So whether you're a do-it-yourselfer or hire a pro, it will take any treatments and constant observation. With that said... If the question has not gotten to far out of operate there are any ways to win the fight against bedbugs. The first 3 listed here are required no matter what you do next

1* Wash all things in site in the hottest water you can find. Begbugs start dying off at colse to 114 degrees F. Then use a dryer on its hottest setting. Not out on the line to air dry. climatic characteristic is key. In hot, dry climates (Phoenix for example) it is just as productive to out your bedding and cloths in a black garbage bag and set it out in the sun for an afternoon.

2* Vacuum. Vacuum every corner, crook and cranny. Vacuum the drapes, the box springs, the furniture, etc. Vacuum like your life depended on it. Bed bugs are not dirty critters. They don't care about crumbs or old food like cockroaches. But they need vacuumed up and then take the whole vacuum cleaner covering to convert bags... Vacuum again.

3* Steam Clean. Now that you have their attention, join #1 and #2. Put hot, Hot water in the steam cleaner and go over the room again.

4* Just as productive as heat is, cold works also. question is that it needs to stay below icy for 2 weeks to work.

5* Biological warfare. Prior to Wwii beg bugs were all but eliminated. colse to that time the government outlawed Ddts. Sense then there numbers have been rising and forced tamer chemicals and traps. There are numerous chemicals on the shop but nearly all of them are not intended to touch the skin. These are best meant for non-traffic areas, box springs, drapes, etc.

6* Mattress Bags. Depending on the level of bedbug infestation, your best bet may be to discard the mattress all together. For milder cases, the chemicals from #5 can be sprinkled on and injected into the mattress before you seal it in a waterproof mattress bag. They start at about and go up depending on the size needed.

7* Diatomaceous Earth. This is the alternative to harsh chemicals. It is an all natural powder ground up from slight tiny fossils of single-celled algae. They even put it in dog food as a preservative. On a slight level it has jagged edges that cut and kill the bedbugs as they crawl across it. Basically it is just dirt.

8* Traps and Tape. This is more for monitoring but flypaper, roach traps and the like will allow you to keep tabs on how productive your efforts have been so far. And then from any shipping contribute store you can pickup double sided sticky tape to wrap colse to the sides of the mattress. Yet someone else way to trap and monitor bed bug traffic.

9* Thyme and tree leaf oil. These are a repellent more then anyone else. It does not kill them. They get a whiff of it and head the other way. But remember that bed bugs can live a year without feeding so they are still reproducing.

10* Neem. Neem oil and neem extract. If you find that you have been attacked by bed bugs, this will sooth the itching and moisturize the skin. Matter of fact it is good for the skin whether you have bed bugs or not. Bonus is that it keeps the bedbugs off of you while sleeping.

There we have 7 ways to kill bed bugs and a few ways to monitor your advance in controlling bed bugs. The more you join the above recommendations the great luck you will have before the need for an exterminator. Just a work of warning though... if you do break down and need to hire an exterminator, they will ask you to clean up anyway before they even show up. Get rid of clutter. ' ziplock ' bag all cloths, bedding, sheets, and so on. Vacuum and basically do all things mentioned above in 1 though 3.

In closing, know that before you begin, it will take weeks and months of constant cleaning, washing, monitoring, vacuuming over and over again to successfully kill the bed bugs throughout there whole life cycle. And hopefully you can catch it before it spreads through out the house. All it takes is a join of stowaways in the laundry, luggage, sleeping bags or any fabric that you tote around.

10 Ways to Kill Bed Bugs Yourself - Or at Least operate Them

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Termite Fumigation Issues

Termite Fumigation Issues

Have you recently found out that you have a serious termite infestation? Have you just been told that you will have to use gas on them because it is the fastest recipe of termite control and you do not have any time to lose? If so, poisonous gas probably is the only answer.

However no one would condemn you for being a diminutive implicated about having your house filled with poisonous gas. It does not sound a very wholesome environment to have to live, eat and sleep in afterwards, does it? The good news is that there is diminutive cause for concern, especially if you use a reputable firm with a history of using gas on termites.

Vikane is one of the most commonly used gases for the fumigation of termites. It is regularly used with a practice called tenting. Tenting means quite assuredly erecting a tent over the whole buildings involved, say your house.

The tent is then sealed as much as possible, the Vikane gas is pumped in and fans are utilized to make sure that it is circulated throughout your house, including your attic and basement. The gas is left to do its deadly work for a day within the sealed up tent and within your house.

On the second day, the tent is taken off and the house is aired using the fans again. Delicate instruments are used to determine the levels of gas in all parts of your home and when the pest controller is convinced that the levels of gas have dropped to where your house is safe for human occupancy, you will be permitted to move back in. That will typically be on the third day.

Vikane does not leave a sticky deposit, so it will not leave a film on your furnishings which you will have to clean off later. When the house has been thoroughly ventilated, all the gas will have disappeared, although there may still be a few innocuous pockets left behind rafters and joists in the attic and basement.

Tenting your house may give you grounds to think that the gas must be risky for surrounding wildlife or your neighbours, but this is not the reason for tenting. The tent is erected in order to sustain the gas against the exterior of the exterior walls of your house as well, so that it is treated from inside and out, although it does help stop wasting gas also.

This tenting recipe of fumigation with Vikane is a very prosperous recipe of eliminating an infestation of termites from a building. In fact, it is so efficient that your contractor should issue you with a warranty, although you may have to have the process repeated every year or two in order to mouth the warranty.

Vikane is aimed solely at termites, so it will not eradicate any other eco-system that has established itself within your house. It will not kill spiders, ants, bed bugs or cockroaches. More's the pity, I can hear you saying.

Thanks To : Weber GasGrill Outdoor Mens Umbrellas Ps3 Wireless Headset Headphones Mushroom Baby Pool 40 Inch x 35 Inch