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d-CON 00027 Ultra Set Covered Mouse Trap

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Monday, October 31, 2011

How to simply Get Rid of Bed Bugs - What College Students Must Know to sacrifice Their Bed Bug Risk!

How to simply Get Rid of Bed Bugs - What College Students Must Know to sacrifice Their Bed Bug Risk!

You are going off to college or are sending your child off to college. You want to know what will safe them from bed bugs and how to naturally get rid of bed bugs if they do get them while at college.

The first thing every person needs to be aware of is that these petite monsters are on the rise all over the country. It does not matter where you are from; there are probably bed bugs infesting some one's home or apartment in that area. It does not matter how affluent you are or how clean your home; these bugs can still get into your home. That is why you never know who may be bringing blood sucking petite creatures to your college dorm room or could have left them there when they moved out.

What to do before you ever move into your dorm room.

College students need to be very proactive about bed bugs and observe their dorm room before piquant whatever into the room. All rules for preventing and getting rid of bed bugs apply to to each dorm room and the dorm building as a whole. If there are shared areas these can spread bugs to so far unaffected dorm rooms.

Check the dorm room for evidence of infestation from old students before piquant whatever into the room.

Checking for bed bugs.

Check the cracks and crevasses of the room for evidence of an infestation. The base boards; especially the corners of the room where the boards may have gaps are a popular location. Other places to check are shelves, furniture and openings where materials do not fit snugly. Bedbugs love to hide in small tight places.

If there are head boards or other items attached to the walls; take off them and check behind them for nests and eggs. Check wall sockets and any holes where pipes come through the walls.

Look for discarded skin shells and blood dropping from the bed bugs feeding and shedding their skin.

Get your new roommate involved and help check each others belonging so there are no surprises in a few days if either one of you have unknowingly brought bed bugs with you.


This can be easy or at least manageable if you have a plan and succeed it. Once you have inspected your room; you can pretty sure if you have a large infestation or not. This will give you peace of mind and make your first nights stay much better. Any way to be sure that you do not have a small infestation that you may have missed and will grow into a bigger qoute it is best to form you do have bedbugs and treat the room before piquant whatever into the room. This is the easiest time to treat and there are no personnel items for the bugs to hide in.

Before piquant in belongings treat the room with natural non-toxic products that will kill any bugs that may be hiding and will place a wall to keep bed bugs from coming in from other areas. There are some types available. Powders work well in corners and under the beds. Put a lot of powder in the wall sockets and holes for plumbing to prevent access. Powders and sprays do a good job on base boards and around other attached items.

Here is a tip. Place some clear packing tape covered pieces of cardboard (sticky side out or up) under the bed and under dressers or chests near the bed. This may catch a bed bug while it is piquant to the bed; it is a cheap early warning system.

sticky mouse traps

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Sunday, October 23, 2011

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Yourself

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Yourself

Although a licensed pest operate operator will probably perform these tasks more effectively, safely and legally, they can be expensive, especially for a whole house.

If you want to do it yourself, these steps to getting rid of bed bugs will help you:

Start off by finding the bed bugs. Sometimes easier said than done; their flat shape enables them to fit into barely noticeable crevices the width of a prestige card.

Instead of ineffectual generalised spraying, arm yourself with a exciting flashlight and target their nests. Crusade for adults, juniors and eggs, noting that sometimes individual eggs are scattered all over the home.

Dismantle bed frames and stand the components on their edges. Look for the bugs themselves and the light-brown molted skins of the nymphs. Take off the gauze fabric under the box spring in order to discover and treat because there is a good chance they are inside your mattress. Check under the fabric stapled to the frame in the box springs.

Holes or tears in the gauze or fabric of the mattress probably means bed bugs and eggs will be inside. Because restrictions apply to treating mattresses with insecticides, pest operate firms advise infested beds be thrown out. But even if you do that, you need to get rid of the bed bugs already in your home, otherwise the new mattress will come to be infested too.

Cracks and crevices of bed frames, attached side railings and supports, head and foot boards all need to be intimately examined, especially if the frame is wood. Bedbugs prefer fabric, wood and paper more so than metal or plastic.

If you cannot afford to replace the bed, vacuum it thoroughly. Brushing also helps. Try treating your bed with a transported steam machine. It helps but will not kill the bugs and eggs private inside the box spring or mattress.

Apply insecticide on the mattress, box springs and bed components without spraying the mattress surface, bed sheets, blankets or clothing.

After spraying and dusting, encase your mattress in one and the box spring in an additional one sealable cover. If you just cover your mattress and box spring with plastic, the bed bugs will chew right through it. Cloth is probably more comfortable and more secure. Allergy furnish clubs sell zippered encasements for dust mite prevention.

Keeping the mattress covers sealed for a year or 18 months ensures you destroy the bug's life cycle. discover the bag regularly for damage; if you find any holes or tears, seal them with permanent tape and any trapped bugs will at last die.

Only apply insecticide to a mattress if the product label specifically mentions it, and very few do. Should you find one, apply it as a light mist to the entire mattress, chance seams, tufts, and folds so the chemical penetrates these hiding places. Allow it to dry fully before using. Never sleep directly on a treated mattress without bed linen and do not treat mattresses of infants or ill people.

To stop bed bugs from crawling onto a bed, pull the bed frame away from the wall, tuck sheets and blankets in so they are off the floor and stand the legs of the bed in microscopic dishes of mineral oil, or water with a drop of dish washing liquid.

Remove and discover headboards secured to walls since this is one of the first places the bugs head for. They also hide among stuff stored under the bed.

Empty night stands and dressers, Take off drawers, discover them inside and out, then turn them over to discover underneath, finding for cracks, corners, and recesses.

Check upholstered chairs and sofas, considered inspecting seams, tufts, skirts, and crevices beneath cushions, especially when used for sleeping.

Bed bugs like crawling upwards to hide in pictures, wall hangings, drapery pleats, loosened wallpaper, cracks in the plaster and ceiling-wall junctures.

Other base places to find bed bugs:

- Electrical boxes
- Floor cracks
- Cracks in wood molding
- Wall paper seams
- beneath loose wallpaper near the bed
- Inside radios, phones, clocks, television sets and smoke detectors. When open, tap the smaller appliances into a bag or on sticky tape so the bugs do not jump and hide
- Under the tack board of wall-to-wall carpeting, especially behind beds and furniture.
- among clothing stored in closets
- In laundry
- Within wicker furniture
- Secondhand beds, bedding and furniture; newer mattresses offer less hiding places.

Since infested bedding, curtains, pyjamas, garments and soft toys cannot be treated with insecticide, they need to be bagged and laundered in hot water, 120 degrees Fahrenheit minimum and dried using the hot setting, or discarded. When fully dry and very hot, dry them for an additional one 20 minutes in the dryer and not simply on the clothes line.

Dry cleaning works too but whether tell the dry cleaner they are infested, or before you take the items to him, place them dry into a clothes dryer at moderate setting which will be below 160 degrees Fahrenheit for 20 minutes.

The same with toys, shoes, backpacks and items not washable; heat them in a clothes dryer for 20 minutes. Or wrap them in black plastic bags and expose them to direct sunlight for at least a few days.

After washing, drying and dry cleaning, bag the items in sealed, airtight bags until you next use them.

Bedbugs also die when exposed to below frosty temperatures for at least two weeks. So if you have the space you can put some items in the freezer. Raising or lowering the thermostat is not good enough.

Overall cleanliness is key, so start by fully cleaning the infested rooms as well as adjoining ones. Vacuum accumulated dirt and debris. Dislodge eggs by scrubbing infested surfaces with a stiff brush and reduce clutter to limit places they can hide.

With a mighty suction to Take off bed bugs from cracks and crevices, vacuum along baseboards, around bed stands, headboards, footboards, mattress seams, tufts, buttons, edges of the bedding, edges of carpets, especially along the tack strips to Take off bugs and eggs. When complete arrange of the vacuum cleaner bag by sealing it in a trash bag.

Steam clean the carpets to kill bugs and eggs which vacuuming may have missed. Steam cleaning does not work for mattresses though; it can lead to mold, mildew and dust mites.

Treat your home with a product whose label specifies bed bug operate and it must have a long lasting residual effects, otherwise they will return.

Carefully read the label and apply only if you fully understand the instructions. Do Not apply any insecticide or pesticide to mattresses or surfaces which are in direct contact with a someone unless the label specifically says so. Some products contain chemicals not safe for population and pets.

Bug medicine products are regularly one of three types:

1. Insecticidal dusts

Contain finely ground glass or silica powder and cause the bugs to dry out. Apply only to cracks, crevices, wall voids, attics and hollows, for example a tubular bed frame; these are places where bed bugs hide. Do not spread dust over carpets or under carpets where population or animals tread.

2. contact insecticides

Contain one or more pyrethoids which knock down and kill bugs shortly after contact. Should be applied as spot treatments to cracks and crevices where bed bugs hide.

3. Insect increase regulators

These sway the fertilization cycle of insects and reduce populations. They do not kill quickly so often supplement other insecticides as part of the total bed bug medicine plan.

Products ready to consumers with the ingredients pyrethrin, resmethrin (0.3% spray) and allethrin are effective. Others even more potent may only be used by professionals.

Protect all food and eating utensils from insecticides. After ten days, apply a second medicine to kill the hatching nymphs. And after an additional one ten days, a third treatment.

Changes you need to make around your home

Caulk and seal all holes. Fill all cracks and crevices in the walls, around baseboards and moldings. Mend cracks in plaster and glue down loosened wallpaper.

For your protection, Take off nests or roosts of birds and bats in and on the home, and seal all screen openings.

As a home remedy you can try sprinkle boric acid powder in their nests but not directly on your mattress.

Inorganic materials, such as diatomaceous earth, also known as silica dioxide or silicone dioxide, and silica aerogel may kill them but are unlikely to sort out your whole problem. Try spreading this non-toxic powder you buy from feed and furnish stores, around the perimeter of your room and when the bed bugs cross the powder, they coat themselves in it, come to be dehydrated and die. Also insert in crevices and cracks.

Baits and adhesive-based traps do not work for bedbugs. Neither do foggers, bug bombs or total publish aerosol insecticides; they as a matter of fact scatter the bedbugs and make extermination more difficult.

Natural remedies like undiluted tea tree oil may give microscopic relief but are unlikely to eliminate a bed bug infestation.

Some home remedies contain applying bleach which kills on contact and spraying hot steam from a high powered steam cleaner into cracks for three seconds at a time.

But bed bugs are persistent, resilient insects. They can withstand the heat up to 100 degree temperatures, a short spell in your freezer, manifold pest operate treatments and can live for a year without eating. If you want to fully get rid of them, you need to aggressively persist until you no longer get bitten and there are no longer any signs of habitation.

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

Leverage the ultimate Lead Generation solution

Leverage the ultimate Lead Generation solution

There are three vital factors that will rule the way your advent lead generation. There is one Vital word that can spell the unlikeness between success and failure.

First, lets have no doubts on this one thing:

Your company needs a fresh supply of new, targeted, sales leads like a fish needs water.

Without water the fish will die.

Without a constant supply of sales leads so will your business. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Lead generation is not an optional extra on the company buggy. Without it you will go broke.

Three Sobering Truths About Lead Generation

1. Money is required

2. Time is needed

3. Vigor will be spent

Anytime you are short of one of the above you need to growth the other two.

- - A lack of money requires more time and energy

- - A lack of Vigor requires more money and time

- - A lack of time requires more money and energy

Fact: Many small company owners find themselves in the terrible trap of needing sales leads to make money but not having the money to get the leads.

They get stuck like a mouse on a wheel, going round and round but never getting anywhere.

The extreme Lead Generation Solution: Leverage Everything!

Leverage can dramatically growth the effectiveness of your money, time and energy.

Try This For 30 Days:

For the next month try looking at all you are doing in relation to your company in terms of money, time and energy.

Ask yourself: "What can I do to leverage this situation?"

Make a list of all the things that you can outsource and start hiring other citizen to do whatever that saves you time and energy.

Note: You can use websites like and to outsource dozens of tasks that take up your money, time and energy.

It sounds silly but if you do, you will find that your company will start manufacture more money which in turn means you will be in the marvelous position of using Less money, time and Vigor working In your company and be able to start spending more productive money, potential time and focused Vigor working On it.

When you do that, you will begin to see lead generating solutions that most likely have been staring you in the face all along - you have just been too busy to observation them.

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Friday, October 7, 2011

Did Crayola Introduce A New Crayon Called Peanut Butter?

Did Crayola Introduce A New Crayon Called Peanut Butter?

And if they did would it be level or crunchy? No there isn't a new crayon called peanut butter, at least not that I'm aware of, but it is surely a versatile food.

I'm reasoning back to the day when I was child and I was occasion a fresh jar of peanut butter, gradually ripping back the safety sealed, and paperback foil and to my pleasure seeing a single peanut nestled in the creamy buttery center. Mmmm....the aromas....smooth and sticky....It's a child's and adult's relieve food not unless you have a nut allergy. Peanut butter is not just great on bread with jam or smeared on a stalk of celery or apples eaten with them, but it's a marvelous household cleaning item. Yes, you read that right. It's a qualified multi-purpose item. Who would have understanding roasted peanuts crushed into a paste, a staple item in many homes around the world could be used as a cleaning item?

Here are some cool facts:

- They are not nuts, but they are legumes

- One acre of peanuts will make 30,000 peanut butter sandwiches. There are many uses for their shells such as, fuel for power plants, fireplace logs, paper and animal feed.

What you can use it for:

- Removes adhesive on items

- Removes bubble gum from hair

- take off crayon drawings on walls and tables

- Mouse trap - not surely a trap as the mouse will lick it off before it gets trapped

If you ever had problems with ants in your home which I have, did you know they sell ant traps with poison and peanut butter in it? So again, here's another way of using this versatile food. If you're opposed to using poisons, they are other productive ways of getting rid of ants safely without the use of chemicals or poisons, but that's another story altogether.

Peanut butter in a nutshell brings smiles to the faces of children and adults alike and most of us have it in our pantries. The next time your child has a mess of gum in her hair, forget the scissors. You know what's waiting for you in the pantry.

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